Value training
Living integrity and adherence to values in both individual and organizational behaviors
is an indispensable success factor for securing a sustainable future

Yes, values training can be done both individually and in groups.

For me, this is one of the most important insights I have gained as a long-standing member of the Transparency International working group „Church Development Cooperation“.

Under the motto „Courage for Transparency“ „we have carried out numerous actions since 2003 to create more transparency and traceability in church development cooperation.

In the process, we have experienced courage as a value and a force that has led us and many like-minded people to take action. Despite many difficulties, through consistency, this courage has grown into bravery over 20 years now.

My services for targeted value development and value communication are based on the stage model presented by Frey and Graupmann.

this picture shows steps for value training

My services for your success

  • Facilitation of workshops to clarify and define values
  • Storytelling to collect and evaluate experiences with values in daily practice
  • Facilitation of dialogues and discussions about values to reflect and create a culture of dialogue
  • Coaching on dealing with dilemmas (see also my special offer on dealing with ethical dilemmas)
  • Coaching on how to deal appropriately with violations of values and negative sanctions
  • Accompanying consulting for the review of the value system


Download Service-description as PDF-file.

Frey and Graupmann in Psychology of Values – From Mindfulness to Civil Courage – Basic Knowledge from Psychology and Civil Courage

The lived integrity and the adherence to values in individual as well as in organizational behavior is an indispensable success factor for a sustainable future of relief and mission organizations in church development cooperation.

My Services





Dealing with
